[Children of Indiana Nature Park]

Do you want to get outside, but don’t know where to start? Head to http://www.ilovemyland.org/outdoor-fun! You can claim your deed for a plot of park land and find some awesome activities to do!



Try this game out! You and your friends sit in a circle. Have everyone close their eyes and make noise as one person goes around the circle marking two people with X’s and one with an O. The person marked with “O” is now the guesser. The two people with X's are the bullfrogs. The rest of your friends are flies. The bullfrogs stick their tongues out at the flies and try to “eat” them. If a fly sees a bullfrog stick his or her tongue out, the fly must lay down and be eaten. The guesser has to try to pick out who the two bullfrogs are before the bullfrogs eat all of the flies. This is a fun game and a great chance to get silly outdoors!


[Play Time]

Are you a nature lover? So are we! Come spend your summer days with us at Cope Environmental Center! Ask your parents about our Summer Adventure Programs, then have them give us a call to get registered! Why spend your summer on the couch like a zombie when you could come play outside in the wetlands with us?



Who needs a new game? We ALWAYS do! Tell us about your game here and we’ll add it to our website! Your ideas will help other kids have more fun outdoors! And you could even be featured on our Facebook page. Thanks for the help!



Find lots more creative ideas to get outside and save the Earth at:













TheHomeSchoolMom Homeschooling Resources


Thanks to Brittany from Cleary Mountain Middle School for sharing this great website about recycling with us:



Thanks to Sarah for sharing this article with us- "Recycling Saves Money!"



Also, special thanks to Mrs. McVey's classroom for sharing the following additional links!  We appreciate your concern for the environment and hope you can visit Cope Environmental Center sometime in the future!




We love the following page sent to us by Amy in Mrs. Crawford's class (New York). Great ideas for reusing! Thanks, Amy!



Thank you, Mary, for suggesting ArtsHeaven!  We loved the garden crafts page and think others will, too!



Thanks also to all the Girls Scouts from Claire Barnes' troupe (all the way in California!) for sharing this page on how to "Reduce Waste and Save Money at Home"! You've done some awesome research for your Go Green! badges. Keep up the good work!



Thanks to children in Suzanne's after school art program for this suggested site on recycled art!


Getting outside doesn’t have to be hard. And it’s actually pretty fun.

[Mission Possible]

The Earth needs YOUR help. We have got to start being more environmentally friendly today. But you’re young! What can you do? Well….LOTS.